Eess Intergovernmental Agreement

EESS Intergovernmental Agreement: What You Need to Know

The European Electronic Support System (EESS) is an important initiative for the European healthcare industry, providing a centralized platform for the management of medical devices and equipment. The EESS intergovernmental agreement was designed to promote greater cooperation and coordination between member states in the implementation of the EESS system. In this article, we`ll explore what the EESS intergovernmental agreement is, what it means for healthcare organizations, and how it impacts medical device manufacturers.

What is the EESS Intergovernmental Agreement?

The EESS intergovernmental agreement is a legally binding agreement between the member states of the European Union (EU) that have implemented the EESS system. The agreement was signed in March 2016 and entered into force in October of the same year. Its primary goal is to ensure that the EESS system is implemented and maintained consistently across all member states, in order to promote patient safety and improve regulatory compliance.

Under the terms of the agreement, member states are required to implement the EESS system according to certain standards and guidelines. This includes ensuring that medical devices and equipment placed on the market comply with the relevant European Union legislation, and that information about these devices is recorded in the EESS database.

What does the EESS Intergovernmental Agreement mean for healthcare organizations?

For healthcare organizations, the EESS intergovernmental agreement means that there is a greater level of consistency in the way that medical devices and equipment are managed across the EU. This can help to improve patient safety, as devices that do not meet the required standards can be identified and removed from the market more easily.

Healthcare organizations are also required to ensure that they comply with the EESS system requirements when procuring new medical devices and equipment. This includes verifying that the device is registered in the EESS database, and that any necessary documentation is available.

What does the EESS Intergovernmental Agreement mean for medical device manufacturers?

For medical device manufacturers, the EESS intergovernmental agreement means that they are required to comply with the standards and guidelines that have been established for the EESS system. This includes ensuring that their devices are registered in the EESS database and that all relevant information is provided.

Manufacturers are also required to keep their devices up to date with the latest technical and legal requirements, and to provide information to users about any changes or updates that have been made.


The EESS intergovernmental agreement is an important initiative for the European healthcare industry, aimed at promoting greater cooperation and coordination between member states in the implementation of the EESS system. Healthcare organizations and medical device manufacturers must ensure that they comply with the requirements of the agreement, in order to promote patient safety and improve regulatory compliance. By working together, member states can create a more consistent and effective healthcare system that benefits patients across the EU.